Stewart Antony Baseley, Board Member
Male. Born 1958. British.
Executive Chairman, Home Builders Federation and Board member of four subsidiaries (UK).
- Joined the Board of Directors in 2010. Member of the Nomination Committee.
- Holds 22,500 H+H shares with no change in his holding in 2023.
- Non-independent as defined in the Danish Recommendations on Corporate Governance due to board tenure of more than 12 years.
- Experience in the international house-building industry and the developer industry, particularly in the UK, as well as international management experience.
Other management positions and directorships
Chairman of Fuerst Day Lawson Holdings Limited (UK) and Director of one subsidiary (UK)
Chairman of Highlander-Partners (Poland) and Director of Sferra Fine Linens UK Limited (UK)
Chairman of Troy Homes Limited (UK)
Patron of Children with Special Needs Foundation (UK)