Share Information
Exchange - Nasdaq Copenhagen
ISIN code - DK0015202451
Ticker Symbol - HH
No. of shares - 16,500,000
Denomination - DKK 10 per share
Share capital - DKK 165,000,000
Voting rights - One vote per share
Please note that the H+H share is only listed on the Nasdaq Copenhagen stock exchange and under the securities code DK0015202451. Stakeholders outside Denmark who wish to buy H+H shares must contact one of the major international banks in their country for further information.
Stakeholders in Denmark may however, also buy H+H shares online, via internet banking or any Danish bank.
Major shareholders
Shareholders with more than 20% of the share capital and of the voting rights:
- Solbet Sp. z o.o., Poland
Shareholders with more than 5% of the share capital and of the voting rights:
- Nordea Fund Management, Nordea Funds Oy, Finland
- Arbejdsmarkedets Tilllægspension, Denmark
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