Analyst Estimates

Estimates are derived from averages

Line items                                                Unit                Q3 2024   2024 FY   2025 FY  
Revenue DKKm  716 2.709 2.883
Organic growth % 1% -1% 7%
Gross profit before special items DKKm 178 567 706
Gross margin % 25% 21% 25%
EBIT before special items DKKm 53 58 184
EBIT margin before special items % 7% 2% 6%

Last updated: 8 November 2024


H+H International A/S (hereinafter referred to as "H+H" or "the Company") is currently followed by the four sell- side analyst. Please note that any opinions, estimates, or forecasts regarding the Company's performance made by these analysts are theirs alone and do not represent opinions, forecasts, or predictions of neither the Company nor its management. H+H does not by its reference above or distribution imply its endorsement of or concurrence with such information, conclusions, or recommendations.

The information does not represent opinions, forecasts, or predictions of neither the Company nor its management. H+H has no control over the content, quality, nature, or reliability of any such third-party data, and shall have no liability whatsoever in respect to the information provided in this document. A link to a third-party web page does not imply any endorsement, investigation, or verification by the Company of any information contained on this web page, and the information is not intended to imply any endorsement of or provide any investment advice.

Analyst Coverage

Institution Analyst Phone Email
 ABG Sundal Collier  Peter Sehested  +45 35 46 30 12
 Carnegie  Alexander Borreskov  +45 32 88 04 63
 Danske Bank  Anders Christian Preetzmann +45 30 54 42 80
 Nordea Markets  Sebastian Grave  +45 20 65 65 75
 SEB  Kristian Tornøe Johansen  +45 33 28 33 07